Promotion and delivery of Strategic Land.

Promoting and delivering Office, Industrial and Retail sites.

Delivering small scale Residential schemes.

Investing in property-led projects through Joint Ventures, Seed Capital and Private Equity.


Investment – Seed Capital/Private Equity, Joint Ventures with other companies

Rosconn Group understands how important it is for a fledgling business to have not only the best financial assistance and advice but also support across all aspects of business that are vital to get right from day one.

Our management team offer, in our opinion, unrivalled support to individuals and companies that choose Rosconn Group as their investment or joint venture partner. It can be very lonely ‘going it alone’, you don’t need to when we are your chosen partner.

Dan O’Donnell is here to help such companies and individuals, not only through investing but providing strategic advice, experience and expertise through his highly experienced management team whose detailed knowledge spans; planning, technical and market intelligence. This can prove invaluable for your venture to be a success.

Rosconn Group is able to invest either through providing Seed Capital, Equity Investment or through Joint Ventures with other companies operating in our space.

We often find shared resources and skillsets can complement the process and deliver an exemplary result.

To discuss your new venture opportunities, please contact us